Monday 18 April 2011


Let's face it: most computer security is dreadful. People email confidential information cleartext, lose unencrypted laptops with sensitive data in public places, issue documents without clearing the amendment history, choose weak passwords and reuse them.  And that's before we even consider Malware.  Things are just too frigging complex.  Here's a beautifully simple device that gives you another layer of security: YubiKey.  It issues one time passwords and only needs a usb port.  I've been carrying one around on my keyring for almost a year - thin and robust, it still works perfectly.

Review of the YubiKey and two rivals here.  Pay attention to the advice in final paragraph:
I could not see any major differences between these three hardware based authentication systems, prices and security are much the same, probably the most important deciding factor when picking one of them is to make sure that the websites you normally visit have support for the specific hardware authentication token of your liking.

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